Dentist in Rome? We got the most effective, minimally invasive, aesthetic dental services. We design your smile with cutting edge treatments. This department is head by Dr Andrea Chiantini: Aesthetic Doctor, Smile Designer Dentist, U.S. trained at Boston University Henry M. Goldman School of Dental Medicine. Not “your usual dentists”, our dental professionals are special, are involved in continuous training on Aesthetic Medicine, develop and use the latest medical and dental technologies, and join a team that doesn’t miss a thing to give you a beautiful and healthy smile.
Here at Absolute Health we are sticklers for details, we also know how important is the big picture; that’s why we are the best in 3D face analysis, advanced minimally invasive dental implantology leading to one day new fixed teeth, Invisible Clear Braces Orthodontics to move and straighten the teeth, teeth withening , designing a new smile balanced with face, lips and eyes; we exclusively adopt aesthetic and certified materials, favouring composite and ceramic ones, confining metals to history: at Absolute Health fillings, inlays/onlays, bridges, crowns have only natural shades, due to up to date tools and to passion, science and art of our Health and Aesthetics devote team.
White Dental fillings
The new smiletech technology improves the position of your teeth without orthodontic appliances bulky and unsightly.
Smiletech – The invisible Orthodontics
The new smiletech technology improves the position of your teeth without orthodontic appliances bulky and unsightly.