Gynecomastia is the presence of a female looking breast in man. Gynecomastia Surgery is the Male Breast Reduction procedure.

Gynecomastia could be:

Real Gynecomastia: due to unbalanced hormons, genetics, use of drugs, medication, estrogen supportive foods; characterized by excessive growth of the gland.
PseudoGynecomastia ( or Lipomastia ): due to the presence of excessive fat tissue in the area
Mixed Forms of Gynecomastia: presence of a combination of excessive fat and gland tissue
Pre-operatory correct diagnosis of the right gynecomastia type is paramount to surgical planning:
-Real Gynecomastia requires traditional surgical access from the areola to remove the excessive gland;
-Lipomastia or Pseudogynecomastia is treated with liposuction;
-Mixed gynecomastia sees good results with a combination of surgery and liposuction.

Recovery from gynecomastia surgery is usually very fast ( patient goes almost back to normal life in 48-72 hours, and reaches full recovery in the first week ). Incisions are almost invisible with liposuction or lower half areola incision, more visible if around the whole areola when it is necessary to also remove some extra sagging skin. Male breast reduction for gynecomastia could be done with local anesthesia and sedation in-office and day-surgery, or under general anesthesia staying at the Hospital/Clinic overnight, depending on age, medical condition and severity of the problem.

Duration of intervention: 1h / 2h
Recovery Times post-operatory: 48-72 h. The patient will wear a sheath for one month
Time in the Clinic

Day -Surgery (A day hospital without an overnight stay in the clinic) or Hospitalization 1 day (1 night’s stay at the clinic)

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